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Somerville Business Group Inc. invites all interested parties including Zoe McKenzie, Paul Mercurio, Kate Roper, Sporting Groups, Community Groups and Individuals to "Register your project proposal—Peri-Urban Mobile Program Round 2" at the following link-:

Step 1: Cut and paste this link to your browser

Step 2: On the right hand side "Register your proposal"

Step 3: Fill out the details and Submit

The more people that fill in the "Register your proposal" the more chance there is that a telco may boost the reception in the poorly serviced Mobile Phone area of Somerville East as pointed out by Sam Merks from "Poor Telecommunications Somerville" and Eric Collier from "Somerville CFA".

There is no guarantee that anything will happen, but at least as a business community and a community in general we can seek to put Somerville forward to fix this problem.

Please reach out to as many people as possible BEFORE THE CUT OFF DATE OF 1st APRIL, 2024.

Thank you to Eric Collier for the "Red Dot Diagram" (circa June 2023) above which represents households in Somerville reporting poor Mobile Telephone reception.

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