As part of our meetings, members suggest things that need to be attended to that will make Somerville a safer place to live, work and play. Recent examples were the new pedestrian crossing within the Somerville Plaza, near the bus stop on Eramosa Road West and the mowing of the grass in the Somerville Drainage basin between the Plaza and Central shopping centres.
Below are the suggestions we have to date-:
1. The Roundabout in Somerville
2. Skate Park Bollards
3. Right hand turn outside Aldi
4. Handrail on Eramosa Road East b/w Pizza & Optometrist
5. Tidiness around railway line and down to Primary School
6. Street Lighting in public areas of Somerville
7. Speed humps in Simcock Street - similar to Speedwell St
8. Footpaths in the industrial area
9. Pedestrian crossing on Eramosa Road opp Woolworths Petrol
10. Cracks and general condition of pavements
11. Pedestrian crossing on MPSC roads at roundabout (Grant/Eramosa Rd W)
12. Trees/ Bushes obscuring shops in Eramosa Rd East.
Whilst it is not our core focus, it does help to make sure Somerville is attractive to outsiders to come in and shop in our shopping precincts. Most of the above projects are to the lower end of capital works, that if left unattended will not be addressed by the Shire or State Government anytime soon.
If you want to add to this, please email and we will refer it to the Shire or State Government.