It was fantastic to see the Facebook post yesterday that there has been a Planning Application lodged with the Council. The application number is P24/2092 with Mornington Peninsula Shire Council.
Please note that this is only the start of the process.
We contacted the Shire today and the Planning Department indicated that the process will be as follows-:
Application received
Assessment process
Further information required
Application will be advertised
Etc, etc, etc
The Planning Department said that the process will take between two and six months before it is advertised.
The Planning Department at this stage will not release the name of the company that has made the application or which telco will use the tower.
Effectively we need to make sure when the application is advertised, that we all get together and make sure the application is successful.
Big thanks to Sam Merks, Better Communications Somerville and Eric Collier on all their fantastic work on this in the past.
Improving people's access to mobile phone coverage will help them access medical emergency phone numbers, banking apps and their netcode messages, myID app and many things that unfortunately most people take for granted.
Most importantly better communications from a mobile tower in this area will help all local small businesses trying to work under these unsuitable conditions..